
Should I work for free?

We all know this fantastic poster Jessica Hische made.

And now one of the Netherlands’s funniest illustrating ladies, Maaike Hartjes, is working on a book about the illustration business! According to her too many illustrators don’t bother reading business books because they tend to be too boring. That’s where Maaike comes in: she won’t be writing boring stories on how to do business… she will DRAW them!

The book is aimed at starting and wannabe illustrators but she hopes professional illustrators will pick up a few tips as well.


The title will be ‘Tekeningen, Rekeningen’ (drawings, bills’).


Because of the growing enthousiasm for her book and it’s facebook page (where she shows finished comic pages of the book) she decided to translate her business comics in English!


Here’s number one:

Maaike Hartjes Pitches from the book Tekeningen Rekeningen


I am also so in love with the badge she made for illustrator’s websites (see below).

As Maaike puts it:
“One of my colleagues got an assignment for a comic this week.  Though well, assignment…
There was a tight budget so she was asked to work for free!
Somehow it didn’t occur to them to ask the printer or designer to work for free.
After all, those are REAL jobs  and drawing is just a fun hobby, right?! :-/

So here’s an answer you can tell your ‘clients’ when they ask for freebies!”


Maaike Hartjes If you want someone to work for peanuts


Maybe for some of you this badge still doesn’t do the trick?
Then check out the website of Mr Bingo:
Scroll all the way down to ‘Info’ and click on the link that says ‘Does Mr Bingo work for free’.

Guaranteed laughing so hard it will hurt.


New year, new update ‘Voor de Kunstenaar’ gals!

Ever wondered what happened to the women of Voor de Kunstenaar?
(the creative entrepreneurs that took an this huge project of ‘for the artist‘)

Even though the men have left us, poor souls…
Us knitting-club-gals are still in touch!


There’s some mania, some soul searching, some success, some mountains to climb.
But all in all each one of us is still enjoying the creative life.

Want to check out the gals’s works?

-> Nadine Faber, Marije van Wieringen, Bea Peter, Barbera Ploeg, Lisette Spapens and Lisbeth Jørgensen Veillat.


nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters graphic designer illustrator

nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer

nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer

nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer

Don’t do it yourself Open Studio Night 22nd of November

Dearest Don’t-Do-It-Yourselvers,

The next Don’t Do It Yourself Open Studio will be this Thursday, November 22 from 18:00 pm, at Hooghiemstraplein 15!


doe het niet zelf don't do it yourself


Do you have a question or a problem you can’t seem to solve? Please feel welcome, we work at solutions together!

There will also be the possibility of intervision. Do you get stuck at a certain technique, are you not progressing in the development of a concept, do you need to brainstorm on a vague plan that you have been walking around with for some time, or do you just want feedback on your work? Take your questions with you!

Sign up via this link (or just drop me an e-mail).
It could be possible that you have to like the DDIY Facebook businesspage first, before you can sign up for an event.


DDIY Open Studio Utrecht is held every Third Thursday of the month.

The program of an evening Don’t Do It Yourself Open Studio Utrecht is as follows:

18.00-19.00: entry, eating together
19.00-19.30: inventory of questions, introduction of theme, dividing into groups
Then: work!


See you November 22nd! As always, your host is already excited!