
Retro weddingcard frontpage at Etsy International!

Wow…! So happy that jewelry artist Barbera Ploeg was so kind to inform me I was featured on the Etsy International FB Page today…


Once with my Golden-Oldie retro weddingcard ( and once with the special postcard stand featuring 15 Dutch Etsy Illustrators at the Amsterdam Museum, also featuring an old favourite: the bearded man! (


retro weddingcard by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer


not so perfect people beard man by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer



Sorry I have been so quiet last week, but I was busy with my first exhibition featuring my illustrations!


It was great having so much wonderful feedback on my work (and selling my new stuff!). Going to catch some sleep now, will try to keep this smile on my face for some days to come.


The picturrrressss:













My fellow participants:

Barbera Ploeg – jewelry designer

Bea Peter – independant art

Coen Hamelink – illustration

Frank Boogaard – bronze sculptor

Lammert Kraaijeveld – music production/ engineering/ sound directing

Lisette Spapens – glass artist

Marije van Wieringen – painter

Nadine Faber – painter

Lisbeth J. Veillat – independent art