
Creative mornings – part III

The video is here!



Thank you so much for having me, Creative Mornings!

I promise to deliver some new shizzleness (aka drawings) next week.


New year, new update ‘Voor de Kunstenaar’ gals!

Ever wondered what happened to the women of Voor de Kunstenaar?
(the creative entrepreneurs that took an this huge project of ‘for the artist‘)

Even though the men have left us, poor souls…
Us knitting-club-gals are still in touch!


There’s some mania, some soul searching, some success, some mountains to climb.
But all in all each one of us is still enjoying the creative life.

Want to check out the gals’s works?

-> Nadine Faber, Marije van Wieringen, Bea Peter, Barbera Ploeg, Lisette Spapens and Lisbeth Jørgensen Veillat.


nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters graphic designer illustrator

nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer

nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer

nadine faber bea peter lisette spapens marije van wieringen barbera ploeg lisbeth jørgensen veillat voor de kunstenaar creative entrepreneurs by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer

Creative Mornings Utrecht

Those of you that are living abroad, will probably already have heard of Creative Mornings, a concept that was put out there by the ever inventive SwissMiss, Tina Roth Eisenberg:


Creative Mornings is a global breakfast lecture series for creative types. Each monthly event is free of charge and includes a 20 minute talk, plus coffee!”


Finally they came to the Netherlands and, very happily ever after for me, they landed in Utrecht! Among other designers they asked me to deliver some (breakfast themed) designs for little magnets to fill their goody bags with. As I am all for free sharing, I was happy to oblige.


Below the designs I made for them.

My personal favorite was chosen: can you guess which one?


creative mornings utrecht button magnet fridge smoothie fruit shake by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designercreative mornings utrecht button magnet fridge coffee tea bath by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designercreative mornings utrecht button magnet fridge strawberries by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer