
Girl Crush: Octavie

How I have grown to love the online community.

Yesterday I posted this on Instagram.

Even before I received Marloes‘s lovely gift, Octavie – who I never met in real life – touched me with hers.


I would wish for all of you to be Dutch. Just to be able to read Octavie‘s blogs.

In the commercial blog world, her non-commercial one really stands out. Sharing her beautiful drawings and her magical view on life. Such integrity, such sincerity.


I found the painting below in my mailbox after a little post on facebook that I loved her robin so much…


Thank you so much, Octavie (and Marloes and Anki, and all those others that give so much), you don’t know how much these things mean!!!



Girl crush: Marloes de Vries

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen


One hundred and fifty kilometers out and one hundred and fifty kilometers back (including Dutch public transport…) to visit a colleague’s exhibition and it was well worth it. Usually I really dislike Sundays, but Marloes made it a fun one.


In between giggles we took a moment of silence to enjoy the sincerity and delicate nature of her art.
It was really special to get such a different perspective on a fellow artist (Marloes says this is the most personal work she has ever made).


You can check out her artwork at the CBK Emmen until the 21st of April.
If you can’t make it there, be sure to check out her daily doodles at


all photos by Marloes de Vries

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen

exhibition cbk emmen marloes de vries illustrator

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen

girl crush on marloes de vries illustrator exhibiting in emmen

all photos by Marloes de Vries

That 17th Hat

I see more and more Dutch illustrators working on American commissions!
Busy bees, we are…!

Since I started in illustration I have gotten to know the Dutch players quite well (although thankfully I still come across great new stuff every week). One person that stands out in having a delicate soft style as well as personality (at least it seems that way, since she lives quite far away I only had the pleasure of meeting her in the online world) is Marloes de Vries.

A little while ago I bought her first book (story written by Trevor Eissler): That 17t Hat. A cute story of a family on a spontaneous outing together. During this adventure at a hat store, the children get an intriguing taste of far off lands. The youngest learns from the oldest, and the oldest… well, you have to see what happens!


Get your copy here:


(am thinking… does that sound bad? delicate personality? of course i only mean this in the most positive way! like gentle/ kindhearted…)






(pictures by Marloes de Vries)