
7 Days of Inspiration

Let me tell you about a beautiful dutch initiative. In 2009 Martijn Aslander felt inspired by the clean up project in Estland and decided to found the 7 Days of Inspiration. His idea: to give the Netherlands an upgrade by spreading inspiration on social goodwill, culminating in 7 Days of Inspiration.


7 Days of inspiration has grown to be a week full of positivity.


This year the 7 Days took place in the first week of march. 14 Dutch cities were involved! All kinds of people came together to start all kinds of inspirational sustainable initiatives.

I contributed to the magazine that was launched that week. The magazine found it’s inspiration in a dutch part of the twitter community called “dare to ask”. You can use the hashtag #daretoask if you have some burning question, and with which you can make an appeal to other tweeps to help you out. The magazine thought this was characteristic of social goodwill.

41 Professionals collaborated in this magazine. Illustrators and photographers were asked to use a tweet as inspiration for their art. The one I used said: who wants to make a dance of joy with me?

My illustration:


ellen vesters vreugdedans dance twitter


ellen vesters vreugdedans dance twitter


Very happy when I opened the magazine (and the paper smelled sooo good!):


ellen vesters vreugdedans dance twitter


Here’s a link to the complete magazine, I am on page 31:


The not-so-perfect

Working on a series right now, of not-so-perfect-people (you may have had a sneak preview at the button post). Trying to tie my background in psychology and my background in the arts together.

I’ve had an amazing time with Kitty Kilian a couple of weeks ago, who was teaching me how to use a Yudu. We decided to print one of my not-so-perfect-girls that started of this whole series.


I’ll be opening up an etsy shop at the end of this year. To celebrate all these babysteps I am taking to get more professional, you can now order a copy of the print I made at Kitty’s for only 10 Euros (A4 drawing paper). Just send me an e-mail, there’s only a limited number to go, so only the first ones of you will get to have these gems.