Waterboarding for you and for me

eddy wally performing waterboarding song by ellen vesters graphic designer illustrator utrecht


Ever since Mr Rockstar has had a recent Manfest he can’t stop mimicking this guy called Eddy Wally.


For those of you to whom the name doesn’t ring a bell (I wouldn’t know if that would be a good or a bad thing, really…!): Eddy Wally is an infamous Belgian-Eurotrash-singer-slash-camp-clown.


He made quite the old age comeback after appearing as a sidekick on a television quiz, amongst other things asking people what they know about the iPad, whilst singing the “waterboarding song” (of course, having no clue what it is…!).


Just watch the clip below and let me have some fun imagining you going:
“Oh. My. Lord. (…)”


Delicious Dudes Quartets – Week two: Oliver Jeffers

Yay! It’s already the second week of the Delicious Dudes Quartets! My head’s spinning by now, watching all these lovely men arriving on my twitter timeline! ;)

We’ve even got other illustrators joining us in the fun!


After some practice drawing Luke Wilson, this week I went all out on my biggest moustache infatuation ever: Oliver Jeffers.

I have got a HUGE crush on Mr Oliver ever since I saw this interview on Kitty Kilian‘s blog (red moustache alert!)…


delicious dudes quartets category movember moustaches oliver jeffers by ellen vesters illustrator graphic designer


About this series:

Together with BeckaKatrionaMarloesYinaTinekeMiriamMinkeNancyIna and, last but not least, Nelleke, I entered a fun project on Twitter, hashtagged #DD #quartets.

The goal of the game is to collect as many quartets (a quartet is a set of four cards) as possible. Each card indicates to what set it belongs.
All the illustrators have a different theme. My theme is “Movember Moustaches”. Each illustrator will post an illustration a week. By the end of the month each set is complete.
With the other sets you can play the game!

We will be posting Delicious Dudes every Friday in November.

You can also check us out on our Tumblr: http://delicious-dudes-quartets.tumblr.com/